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Published in CVPR, 2018
One-Shot One-Class classification using deep networks and SVMs.
Recommended citation: Kozerawski, Jedrzej, and Matthew Turk. (2018). "CLEAR: Cumulative LEARning for One-Shot One-Class Image Recognition" CVPR 2018.
Published in ACCV, 2020
Boosting the accuracy for the tail categories in long-tailed datasets with additional hallucinated hard examples.
Recommended citation: Kozerawski, Jedrzej, et al, (2020). "BLT: Balancing Long-Tailed Datasets with Adversarially-Perturbed Images" ACCV 2020.
Published in arXiv, 2021
Few-Shot Open-Set classification using meta-learning.
Recommended citation: Kozerawski, Jedrzej, and Matthew Turk. (2021). "One-Class Meta-Learning: Towards Generalizable Few-Shot Open-Set Classification" arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.06859, 2021.
BLT: Balancing Long-Tailed Datasets with Adversarially-Perturbed Images.
CLEAR: Cumulative LEARning for one-shot one-class image recognition (CVPR 2018)
Studying problem of decreasing the performance gap between one-shot and few-shot testing scenarios.
Analyzing the impact of specific training examples on the develompent of neural network weights. Studying ways of ensuring better quality weight-learning and generalization abilitites.
Utilizing external knowledge bases to find semantically-sound subcategories in an existing dataset in order to achieve higher decision-making explainability.
Talk description coming soon.
Talk description coming soon.
Talk description coming soon.
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, ECE Department, 2016
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, CS Department, 2019
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, ECE Department, 2020
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, CS Department, 2020
Link to the website in here
Undergraduate course, Stanford University, CS Department, 2020
Link to the website in here
Pre-college course, University of California Santa Barbara, Summer Sessions, 2020
Link to the lab activities here
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, CS Department, 2020
Undergraduate course, University of California Santa Barbara, CS Department, 2020
Link to the website in here